home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ## Debian GNU/Linux update-catalog version 0.2
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ## Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Ardo van Rangelrooij
- ##
- ## This is free software; see the GNU General Public Licence version 2
- ## or later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- use strict;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $0 =~ m|[^/]+$|;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- use vars qw( $name );
- $name = $&;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- use vars qw( $add );
- use vars qw( $backup );
- use vars qw( $catalog );
- use vars qw( @data );
- use vars qw( $debug );
- use vars qw( $entry );
- use vars qw( $quiet );
- use vars qw( $remove );
- use vars qw( $super );
- use vars qw( $template );
- use vars qw( $type );
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- while ( $ARGV[0] =~ m/^--/ )
- {
- $_ = shift( @ARGV );
- last if $_ eq '--';
- if ( $_ eq '--add' )
- {
- $add = 1;
- }
- elsif ( $_ eq '--remove' )
- {
- $remove = 1;
- }
- elsif ( $_ eq '--quiet' )
- {
- $quiet = 1;
- }
- elsif ( $_ eq '--super' )
- {
- $super = 1;
- }
- elsif ( $_ eq '--test' )
- {
- $debug = 1;
- }
- elsif ( $_ eq '--help' )
- {
- &help;
- exit -1;
- }
- elsif ( $_ eq '--version' )
- {
- &help;
- exit -1;
- }
- else
- {
- print STDERR "$name: unknown option \`$_'\n";
- &help;
- exit 1;
- }
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( ! @ARGV )
- {
- print STDERR "\n";
- &help;
- exit 1;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( $add || $remove )
- {
- if ( $super )
- {
- $catalog = '/etc/sgml/catalog';
- }
- else
- {
- $catalog = shift( @ARGV );
- }
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( ! @ARGV )
- {
- print STDERR "\n";
- &help;
- exit 1;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- $entry = shift( @ARGV );
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( @ARGV )
- {
- print STDERR "$name: too many arguments\n";
- &help;
- exit 1;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( $add == $remove )
- {
- print "Huh? You have to use --add or --remove (not both).\n";
- exit 1;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- print STDERR "$name: test mode - catalog file will not be updated\n"
- if $debug && ! $quiet;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- if ( $add )
- {
- print "Adding entry $entry to catalog $catalog...\n"
- unless $quiet;
- &read_catalog_without_entry;
- &add_entry;
- &write_catalog;
- }
- elsif ( $remove )
- {
- print "Removing entry $entry from catalog $catalog...\n"
- unless $quiet;
- &read_catalog_without_entry;
- &write_catalog;
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- exit 0;
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub read_catalog_without_entry
- {
- if ( -f $catalog )
- {
- print "Reading catalog $catalog and removing entry $entry...\n"
- if $debug;
- open( CATALOG, "<$catalog" )
- or die "cannot open catalog $catalog for reading: $!";
- while ( <CATALOG> )
- {
- chop;
- push( @data, $_ ) unless m/$entry/;
- }
- close( CATALOG );
- }
- else
- {
- $type = $super ? 'super' : 'centralized';
- $template = "/usr/share/sgml-base/catalog.$type";
- print "Reading template $template...\n"
- if $debug;
- open( TEMPLATE, "<$template" )
- or die "cannot open template $template for reading: $!";
- while ( <TEMPLATE> )
- {
- chop;
- s|CATALOG|$catalog| if m/CATALOG/;
- push( @data, $_ );
- }
- close( TEMPLATE );
- }
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub add_entry
- {
- print "Appending entry $entry...\n" if $debug;
- push( @data, "CATALOG $entry" );
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub write_catalog
- {
- $backup = $catalog . '.old';
- if ( not $debug )
- {
- if ( -f $catalog )
- {
- # remove old backup file
- if ( -f $backup )
- {
- unlink( $backup )
- or die "cannot remove backup copy $backup: $!";
- }
- rename( $catalog, $backup )
- or die "cannot rename $catalog to $backup: $!";
- }
- open( CATALOG, ">$catalog" )
- or die "cannot open catalog $catalog for writing: $!";
- for ( @data ) { print CATALOG "$_\n"; };
- close( CATALOG );
- }
- else
- {
- print "Writing new entry to $catalog...\n";
- for ( @data ) { print "$_\n"; };
- }
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub help
- {
- print STDERR <<END;
- Usage:
- $name <options> --add --super <centralized_catalog>
- $name <options> --add <centralized_catalog> <ordinary_catalog>
- or
- $name <options> --remove --super <centralized_catalog>
- $name <options> --remove <centralized_catalog> <ordinary_catalog>
- Options:
- --quiet be quiet
- --test do not modify any files, enables debugging mode
- --version display version number
- --help display this text
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- sub version
- {
- print "Debian $name version 0.2\n";
- }
- ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------